The Grey Borders Reading Series Presents...

Lia Pas
Sachiko Murakami
Domenico Capilongo
Mat Laporte
Date: November 25, 2010
Pan Cafe - 120 St. Paul Street, St. Catharines, Ontario
Pan Cafe - 120 St. Paul Street, St. Catharines, Ontario
Facebook event, here.
Lia Pas is a multidisciplinary creator-performer who has worked in the fields of music, writing, and theatre. Born and based in Saskatoon, Lia studied music at York University, Toronto (BFA 1995) and completed her MA in Devised Theatre at Dartington College of Arts (October 2006) in Devon, UK. Lia has written poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and scripts. In addition to her volumes of poetry: Husk (JackPine Press, 2008, with artist Ed Pas, awarded second place in the limited editions category of the Alcuin Awards), what is this place we have come to (Thistledown Press, 2003) and vicissitudes (Underwhich Editions, 2001), her literary work has been broadcast on CBC Radio and widely published in literary periodicals. Lia’s current project-in-progress, splanchnologies, is an interdisciplinary performance and text piece exploring anatomy as image. She recently completed her videopoem, susurrations, as part of this project.
Sachiko Murakami's first collection of poetry, The Invisibility Exhibit (Talonbooks 2008), was a finalist for the Governor General's Award for Poetry and the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award. She has been a literary worker for numerous journals and organizations and is a past member of the Kootenay School of Writing collective. A second collection, Rebuild, is forthcoming with Talonbooks. She lives in Toronto where she cohosts the Pivot reading series.
Domenico Capilongo lives in Toronto, with his family. He teaches high school creative writing, alternative education and karate. He has had work published in several literary magazines including Descant, and Geist. He was short-listed for the 2009 gritLit poetry award and his first book of poetry, I thought elvis was Italian was published in the spring of 2008 with Wolsak and Wynn. His second book of jazz-inpired poetry, hold the note, was published this fall with Quattro Books.
Mat Laporte just released Demons a chapbook pubilshed by Ferno House. He is presently doing an independent study of chance poetics at York University. He lives in Toronto.
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