Monday, September 20, 2010

The One Shot Reading Series

Photos from the first (and maybe the only) reading from the executive-like students from Brock University.
Phil Miletic; a president-like individual and first time emcee.
Lindsay Cahill; a local writer and eccentric.
Mr. Ed Edmonds.
One of the shorter ones we know... Helen Tran.
Phil Miletic
Jade Wallace, incognito.
Quick garb change.

Thanks to the door for letting in a cool breeze and adding a bit of character to each of these photos.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Poetry Event

A group of executive-like students
Brock University will be holding
Poetry Reading
Fine Grind Cafe
September 17, 2010
7 pm
Phil Miletic
Jade Wallace
Helen Tran
Ed Edmonds
Robert Dimmers

Here is the facebook event page, here.

Stick around for the open mic that will follow the event