Monday, April 19, 2010

Canadian Authors in Action...

"Canadian Authors In Action"

Adam Dickinson

John Barta
Jane Garrett-Peat
Keith Inman
Sheila Laundry
Ron Prickett
Malcolm Matthews
Robert Broerse

Eric Schmaltz
Tom Vaine
Jade Alyssa Wallace
Claire Bullen

Several finalists from the library's "Fresh Ink" Creative Writing Competition for Teens

This event is sponsored by the St. Catharines Library and admission is free.

Call Barb Weiler at 905-685-0153 or Diane Andrusko at 905-688-6103 for more information. St. Catharines Library.

Friday, April 16, 2010

lapse; an anthology of creative writing

The launch of 'lapse' was a great success.

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out.

A special thanks to Lindsay Gray for being our photographer for the night.

Here are photos from the evening:

Cassie Leigh in front of Cask 22

Some local enthusiasts

A bump and a growl; A dazed Duncan Griffiths

Marisa Angela Blackburn

Jade Scapillato

Jeremy Colangelo

Amanda Rose Graveline

Stephanie Tingzon

Emi Morimoto

Kris Mills

Justin Emmette Harney

The crowd and James Dean...?

Cassie and Cassondra havin' a read

The crowd at break...

Phil Miletic; new President of the BUCWC

Cassie Leigh

Jade Wallace; new Editor for the BUCWC

Jade Wallace and her accompanying voices

Ed Edmonds; new VP for the BUCWC

Helen Tran; new Editor for the BUCWC
Tom Vaine

Oksana Berda; former Editor for the BUCWC

Robb Ellison; former Treasurer for the BUCWC

Sound Poetry by Two Young Stallions

A giggle and a pop

Poster for this year's launch (many thanks to Demetra Peppas)


Eric Schmaltz

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Next Slam...

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010, Strega Cafe (19 King Street, St. Catharines)
7:00 - 9:00pm

The upcoming installment of our monthly contest has been certified organic by In The Soil : Niagara's Homegrown Arts Festival, running April 15th through 24th. Check out their website for details on shows and events. It's sure to be an amazing ten days for arts and culture!

For more information about In The Soil check out event details here.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


My article "The Up and Coming Literary Niagara" has been featured in the latest issue of Futureale magazine.

You can check it out here.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The official poster for the launch of


Poster Cred to Demetra Peppas

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

lapse; an anthology of creative writing by BrockU students

The Brock University Creative Writers' Club is proud to present...

an anthology of creative writing

The BUCWC's is proud present 'lapse.' Brock's annual anthology of poetry and short fiction which features some of Brock's most talented writers.

The launch party will be on April 13 at 7 pm. Where you ask? At Cask 22 (176 St. Paul Street). Cask 22 is a nice little wine bar in the downtown. We had a successful launch there last year, and hope to do it again.

Bring your friends, lovers and family for a great evening.

The book will be on sale at this event for $10 a copy.

If you have been featured in this year's anthology we would love for you to read the poems or the short fiction piece you have in the anthology. Email me back confirming that you are willing to read. The more writers we can showcase the better.

I guarantee this to be an excellent night.

Please spread the word. Here is the link to facebook event:

(Word on the Street: As a non-bucwc event there may or may not be some sort of gathering at the Merchant Ale House after the event)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Here are a few videos from Christian Bök's reading:

Grey Borders - Christian Bök and CCMC

Last night, CCMC and Christian Bök performed at the Grey Borders Reading Series in St. Catharines, Ontario. It was a pleasure and privilege to have such excellent performers come to the city.




Christian Bök

Christian Bök